Thanks Uncle Matt!
This Christmas was so great. John and I spent it together with our little Parky. It's so great being able to live so close to all of our family. The only one missing is my brother Mike, who has decided to live in Kansas, far far away :( We miss the heck out of him and his family.
On Christmas Eve we did our annual tradition of opening one present, which always happens to be PJ's. After we got in our Christmas PJ's we made cookies for Santa. We left them out with a super cute letter that Parker wrote to him.
Christmas morning we woke Parker up and told him that Santa had came. He was so excited! We went out to the living room and he had his very own brand new chair sitting by the tree...covered in dinosaurs and cars. He also got an ice fishing pole from santa and a big Megatron Transformer and a 4wheeler helmet and goggles from John and I, along with several other gifts like clothes. John got new seat covers for his truck, Guitar Hero for the Xbox and a couple other things. John got me a super cute new purse, a very sexy cast iron soup pot and some lia Sophia jewelry. Santa also brought me a new ice fishing pole, a pink Uglystick! Santa even remembered the dogs...Tank got a giant bone and Maisy got a new winter coat!
After we finished at our house we went to my Mom and Dads for the annual Christmas Morning Breakfast. As always, it was absolutely delicious! Then we opened more presents. After we got done there we went to John's Mom and Dads. We had a yummy lunch of roast beast aka ham and, yup you guessed it, we opened MORE presents. All in all we had a wonderful Christmas! Thanks to all of our family for making it one of the best Christmases ever! We love you all and wish everyone a Happy New Year!!!
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