You can tell hes excited right LOL
Everyone getting in to the gift wrapping for our Sub for Santa family
My little brother Matt
Parker with his Great Grandma and Grandpa Cox
My beautiful sister in law Darcy and handsome Quinn

Pretty princess Amarie

little sis Jen giving John a hard time
Pretty princess Amarie
little sis Jen giving John a hard time
On Monday we had the Cox family Christmas party held at Lori's house. WOW!! That place was packed! It was so good to see everyone. It's been at least a year since I've seen all of them. Even family from Alaska and Montana made it down. Lori and Misty did a great job with dinner! We also did a Sub for Santa for a family that lives in the apartment above my cousin Amy and her husband. The family had 10 people living in a 2 bedroom apt. The parents slept on a twin bed and they didn't have a car. There were 6 kids, a grandmother, and an aunt that also lived there. Amy got the ward to donate a car to the family and we took tons of gifts to them. It's so awesome to be able to help a family that is less fortunate. And aside from all the 'abuse' we all endured from someone who will not be named, it turned out to be a pretty fun party.
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