Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First day of Kindergarten

My little man started Kindergarten today!

**sniff sniff**

I wanted to start a fun school tradition so I decided that each year on the first day of school eve I would get a small gift. After work yesterday I ran to Walmart and got Parker his first Bionicle. Holy cow, he was so excited! He stayed up for an extra half hour with his dad putting it together. What a smart kid....he put it together almost all on his own.

This morning Parker woke up about 3 hours earlier than he usually does (he must have been really excited). I made him his favorite breakfast, Cream of Wheat. And, I added a little special something to mark the occasion, fresh raspberries and blackberries. He was in heaven! After breakfast he got dressed in the outfit he picked out all by himself. I think he did pretty dang good!

Off to school! As we were walking into the building I started tearing up a little bit. I know, I'm such an emotional wreck when it comes to this kind of stuff. Thank goodness for sunglasses! I was seriously fighting back the tears the entire way into the school, while Park hung up his backpack, found his name tag, and started to play. I was fighting back tears while I forced him to give me a goodbye hug (yes, I'm one of those moms that makes my kid hug me in front of his friends) and I was still fighting them back as I walked out the door and drove home.

While I was busy being a complete wreck, Parker couldn't get into the classroom fast enough. I'm so happy that he's growing up to be such an independant little person, but at the same time it makes me sad that he doesn't need me as much anymore. I'm so proud of my little man and I'm so excited for him to start experiencing all the things he'll be exposed to in school. I'm especially excited for him to learn to read! If he's anything like his mom, once he learns how to read he's going to have his nose stuck in a book every spare second.

Parker, Mommy and Daddy are sooo sooo proud of you and the sweet, handsome little guy that you're growing up to be. We know you will have so much fun in school, learning new things and making new friends. We love you so much!!

Ready for school to start
Hanging up his backpack

How studly does he look??

Love you Bug!!


The Williams Family said...

He is such a little cutie .. I cannot believe how big he is getting! He will be the best big brother!

He did a great job picking out an outfit .. His little white shoes are adorable!

Dani said...

Amazing photo's below .. and Parker looks adorable, as usual! I cannot believe he's in school ... AHH!