Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Yesterday was a pretty hard day. I went shopping while Parker was at school thinking Lucy would sleep the whole time. Boy was I wrong! She cried from the minute we walked in until we left, cried all during the drive home. The only time she wasn't crying was when I was holding her or she was sucking on her binkie. So while I was holding her she spit out her binkie and started crying. As I went to put her binkie back in her mouth I saw this little white dot on her gums. I didn't even think about it being a tooth at first cause she's only 7 weeks old. Honestly I had no idea what it was. I stuck my finger in there to get it out. Needless to say, it wasn't going to come off LOL. No wonder she was so grumpy! she has this little teeny white tooth poking its way through her gums. She didn't sleep ALL DAY! She was awake from 8am until midnight last night...and let me tell you, I was EXHAUSTED! But surprisingly, she did sleep all night and woke up around 7:30. And now, guess what?! She's taking a nap! I have a feeling today will be much better than yesterday :)


lacey said...

teeth already! wow thats crazy, i dont know if you know but there are these things called teething tablts they are great! i would go get some if you dont already have some. stone drug is where i got mine.

Lisa Willden said...

Wow, I can't believe she's getting teeth so early! But I feel your pain with the teething baby, Ryder is working on his top teeth, and boy he doesn't like it. I'm just glad that he's like me and likes to sleep when he's in pain. You should try the teething tabs thought, it seems to help Ryder!