Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Updates, Updates and more Updates!!

We've been so busy since my last post! Parker had his final choir concert for the year and did such a good job! What a good little singer he is...even if he has a hard time holding still ;). I'm so proud of him for learning so many new songs and making so many friends!

Parker also graduated from Preschool! I seriously cannot believe how fast that went by. It seems like such a short time ago that he was 3 years old and starting to go to school. He has learned sooo much in the past 2 years. I'm amazed at how smart he is! He can identify every letter of the alphabet and knows what sound they make. He can spell most of his colors. He can count to 30ish (he loses track of where hes at LOL). And he can read simple 3-4 letter words. He can do alot of other things but I won't keep going cause I don't want to seem like I'm bragging LOL. I couldn't be more proud of all the things he has accomplished in his 4.5 years of life. He is such a special little guy!!

As most of you know we are expecting our second child on Oct. 29th.

I finally had my first ultrasound yesterday, and it's confirmed. We're having a girl!! I'm so excited and still kind of in shock.

I was told by a friend that if you eat something really sugary before an ultrasound the baby is pretty active. So, on the way up I ate a package of donuts and drank some coke. Well, it worked! She was all over the place!! she would reach down, grab her feet, pull them up to her face and let them flop back down. She did this over and over and over. Her mouth was opening and closing the entire time. I think she may have been trying to suck on her toes or something. Cute, right?! When the sonographer turned on the 3d machine it showed a full head of dark hair. Even though she still kind of looks like an alien, she is absolutely beautiful! We are in some serious trouble if she looks anything like her brother :) I can't wait to meet her! Hopefully, she is more cooperative than her brother and she stays in there for 40 weeks. She's measuring about 12 cm from head to bum. She wouldn't stretch her legs out long enough to get an accurate measurement but she looks to be on track for her age.

Daddy and big brother are so happy to be adding a little girl to our family. And I couldn't be more ecstatic! On the drive home John told me how much trouble we are in and how he's going to be the most protective daddy ever. Parker told me he wants to teach her to play, and jump and swing. What a lucky little girl to have a daddy and a big brother that love her so much already. When we got home we had Parker call the grandparents. He told my mom "my mommy has a wittle girl in her tummy. Her name is Wuci(luci)!" What a cutie :)

This weekend we are heading down to Vegas, just the 4 of us, so John and I can retie the knot. I'm debating whether I want to do the Elvis package where Elvis performs the ceremony or if are going to go through the drivethru.

I'm totally kidding! We aren't sure what exactly we're going to do but I can assure you, we will keep it as far away from redneck as possible LOL!

I'll update with photos when we get back :)


KAMIE LOU said...

April I am so excited for you to have a little girl!! They are so much fun! Have fun in vegas. Wish I could be there with you! Get ahold of me when you get back and we can go to the park with the kiddos! LOVE YA!

Dani said...

Can I say CONGRATS like five times? .. Parker being a smarty pants, baby girl and the re-tie-ing the knot .. ! - Congrats! So happy for all of you :), and can't wait to see pictures.