I am...Sitting at work (as usual)
I think...my job has turned me into a cynical person
I need...to do laundry (the pile just keeps growing)
I know....what I want to be when I grow up
I want...way to many things, a girl can dream right?
I have....
much more than I deserve :)
I miss...my Parky and my hubby
I fear...for my son. The world is a tough place.
I fill....my truck with gas way to much
I need....more money!!!! (who doesn't)
I hear....phones ringing...and ringing, and ringing and ringing
I smell.....something cooking down in the jail, not very appetizing
I cry...All the time. When
I'm watching a movie, reading, sitting alone thinking, whenever. I cry
alot. Its good for the soul.
I search...the
internet for everything
I wonder....about what the future will hold
I regret...2007...bad year
I wish...
Maisy would quit pooping in the house
I love...John, Parker and all the rest of my family
I care...about some peoples children more than they do. There are some things in life I will never understand.
I always...tell my husband and my son that I love them
I worry...about everything!
I am not...going to call in sick tomorrow....I PROMISE! (I really want to though)
I remember...not very much. I have a horrible memory
I believe...in family
I sing...in the truck
don't always...listen very well
I argue...about stupid things. I'm stubborn, I'll admit it (thanks dad)
I write...don't write. I type. Bad handwriting
I lose...right now, money. The
stock market is HORRIBLE! There goes my retirement.
I listen....not very well
don't understand...how good people get hurt and die and bad people live
I can usually be found...in dispatch or at home
I need...coffee
I forget...pretty much everything
I am happy....when
I'm home with my family
TAG-ANYONE who reads this gets to do it!