Lucys checkup went well. She got 3 shots which was super sad :( but the Dr. said she looks great! She weighs 11lbs 8 oz (70%) shes 24.25 " tall (95%) and her head is 40.25cm (80%)
He prescribed her some Prevacid to see if it helps her tummy. Poor thing could use some relief!
She rarely sleeps during the day. She cries when I put her down and if I'm holding her she has to be bounced or rocked. I can't imagine how bad her tummy must hurt if she can't even sleep during the day. I've tried so many different things to get her some relief but I don't know if any of it helps. I've tried changing my diet around, giving her formula, mixing formula and milk etc etc. I'm at a loss! But, this to shall pass right?!
On the tooth front, the Dr. said he doesn't think her teeth are breaking through but that they may be pushing on her gums enough that it causes her discomfort. Duh! I can feel them under her gums Doc. She's also started drooling ALOT! That was a huge indicator that Parker was teething so we'll see what happens.
She's completely grown out of her newborn clothes and is comfortably snug in her 0-3 month clothes. She'll be moving up before I know it!
She still really likes her baths and LOVES showers! She just really really hates getting out.
She can hold her head up pretty much all by herself now and shes got quite the grip! I can put a toy in her hand and she'll hang on for dear life. She really doesn't have any interest in them though LOL.
Lucy is such a cutie and so so sweet!! Happy 2 month birthday Lulu! Mommy loves you!